I live in Ciudad Real, Spain, south of Madrid in the province of Castilla-La Mancha. Same latitude as St Louis, Missouri. 38 degrees. Yep!
I'm teaching English here at a middle/high school called Hernan Perez del Pulgar (a famous conquistador) and my kids are between the ages of 12-16. They are difficult some days but some days I love them, like today, when I walked into my favorite class from last year, who are now a year older than when I met them, and they gave me a strong round of applause because they were excited to see me. Yes, I still very much like living here. Its so comfortable, I can walk everywhere, I live a ten min. walk from my school. Its not beautiful or particularly historic, but its a great residential area.
What did I do today? Today, I woke up at 7:00 and showered, ate breakfast (cereal and unrefrigerated milk) and made myself a decaf coffee in my spanish cafetera. I went to school at 8:30 and I arrived before all the teachers and most of the students (something that happens more often than not) and then I had 5 hours of class (English and Math) with a recess in the middle. During recess I took a walk with some other teachers and ate an apple and a granola bar. Then at 2 I left and came home, ate lunch (omelette with tuna, cheese, and tomato, broccoli and a yogurt) and then since I've been preparing for my private tutoring by listing out possible conversation topics for kids. Later I will have two private lessons, English of course, one with a 33 year old teacher from my school and her 2 kids, and another with a 10 and 14 year old. Then ill come home and eat dinner. Maybe go out because tomorrow I dont work...Fiesta Nacional de Trabajo in Spain!
I wanted to show her what my life was like here on a day-to-day basis. Its starting to get pretty hectic between classes at school and private lessons. I have about 16 hours at my school and 11 hours of private lessons--I even have a class on Saturday!
Luckily, we just got internet in my flat. I should post some pictures but the truth it, I haven't taken many! Since none of what I am seeing is "new," I am more or less just getting accustomed to living in Spain once again. A new flat, but the same roommates. Ah! I have French class now. Je m'appelle Bryn! I'm learning at a very fast pace so I hope I can keep up with it. I have 4 hours a week of French, another thing to fit into my schedule between work, classes, and the gym! I've been running a lot around Ciudad Real.. I have a few places that I particularly like to go depending on the time of day. If its during the morning or afternoon I like to go on the trail. Ciudad Real is full of them, considering you exit the city and there is nothing but countryside. If its nearing nightfall I will go on the Ronda, which is the major road that circles the whole city, and has a huge wide sidewalk. Fun fact: Its against the law to run on the sidewalk of the small city streets here, they can give you a ticket up to 150 euro! I guess its because all the little old ladies are out walking around and they dont want you to bowl them over or to run out in front of a car. Interesting!
I'll write again soon when something happens. I'm going to Madrid this weekend, so hopefully after that I can write another update. Pictures of my new flat:

Love hearing about your days! Miss you