Here are some pics.

In other news, today I had the privilege to go with my 3rd level students to the Tablas de Daimiel which are some natural lakes made my the Guadiana River when it overflows. The river is really interesting because it begins a couple hundred kilometers away and then goes underground and you cant see it. They began to use all that groundwater for irrigation, and the tablas (the lakes) dried up.. Finally they realized it was all one big river but it just had a huge underground deposit. So the river starts, goes underground, then comes back up as the sea level rises and the land level lowers in Daimiel (a town about 30 min away).
Here are some pictures. One is with some of my third level students: Estrella, Ana, Laura, Juan Carlos, Alarcos, Rainy, and Raquel.

Next Sunday I am running in my first race!!!! The Ciudad Real Carrera Urbana is Sun at 11:00 AM. Luckily I have some good friends who will come cheer me on although you dont know what I'd give to have my family there :(
On the sign up page online, you had to enter a FIRST LAST NAME and a SECOND LAST NAME, because people here have two last names and no middle name. Their first last name is the last name of their father (edmonston) and their second last name is the last name of their mother (chalcraft) sounds like a pretty good system to me however on no official paper in the world does it say that my name contains Chalcraft, so I wasn't going to write Bryn Edmonston Chalcraft. SO, I wrote Katherine as my first last name and Edmonston as my second....WELL, on the list of people running (and the way it will be seen on RACE DAY on my number) is Katherine Edmonston, after I had a pretty good laugh I emailed them and explained that I was American and only have one last name but that it wouldnt let me finish the registration without entering a SECOND LAST NAME....OH SPAIN! Here's the funny list of runners..

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