Thursday, December 18, 2008

Coming Soon...

I leave for Alicante, Spain, in 3 short weeks!  Please check back after January 9th, 2009 for my first update!  

Thanks for visiting and I hope you'll keep checking and posting while I'm gone!


  1. Hi Guess I'm part of this happening now! I'm excited for you but so sad because I miss you already. Yo Mama

  2. Enjoy the experience and be safe. I'll keep an eye on Mike for you. Love, Mom Z

  3. I am going to start a new fund called "Send Zeiter to Spain" and I will be accepting donations for the next few months. Cash or checks will be acceptable, i guess Euros would work too

  4. Password keeps me thinking of you every day. This view of the beach keeps me thinking of Buff-Daddy being there with you, although, a shirt (minimum) would probably be in order! Let us know as soon as possible about your safe arrival.

  5. It must be 10:01 PM somewhere, but 3:01 PM while posting! Anybody understand?
