Yesterday, I found out while talking to my mom that my dad has had his head completely shaved bald for awhile now...and I didn't even know! He looks like Mr. Clean. Aurora said she thought he was an hombre bastante guapo, which means a pretty handsome guy. Saturday night, Marina, Aurora's granddaughter, came over to spend the night! I played with her for hours, and she is the cutest little thing because she talks in baby Spanish but she talks in phrases as if she were a 40 year old woman, she says things, like "Aye, Señor!" which basically is just an expression like "Dios mio" and "Madre mia" which means like "oh, Gosh". It was so funny because when Aurora says "Aye, señor!", Marina will say, "Aye, señora!" It is GREAT.
But, the downside is that Marina didnt sleep well through the night and she slept in the bed in the room next to me (her mom Ana's old room) and so halfway through the night she started screaming. I was up in her room before Aurora could make it all the way down the long hallway. What they do to get her to sleep usually is play with her hair (tocar el pelo) but Marina cant say it right so she always says, "Cocame el pelo" instead of "Tocame el pelo." :) So then we put her back to bed, then she woke up again. I hadnt fallen asleep yet because I had a feeeling the crying wasnt over. Finally Aurora took her to sleep in her bed, and she said Marina woke up really early in the morning (like 7) when she is used to waking up for preschool. (They go to preschool when they are 2 here and start colegio (elementary) when they are 3), so she starts hitting Aurora in the head going, "Despiertate, Tita!" which means, wake up grandma. Then Aurora said, "Dejame en paz, que tengo mucho sueño" which means leave me alone I'm really tired, then Marina just started hitting her in the head again asking, "¿Dónde está Bryn?" only it sounds like Breeeeeen, in Spanish. Where is Bryn? Where is Bryn? She wanted to play! That morning we realized she was starting to get a little sick, a cold or something and she said her ear hurt. I was with her all morning cuddling her because the poor thing was in pain! Then finally Ana came to pick her up and she had fallen asleep because I was scratching her back and watching cartoons. She was crying when she woke up so Ana just took her home with her in the blanket that she was in, the banket I always fall asleep on the couch with. Ana said all yesterday all she kept saying is, "Esta es la mantita de Breeeeen!" which means "this is Bryn's blanket." Love her!
We went to Campello (where Z, Andrea, Mike and I went when they were here) with Pedro and ate with his daughter and her boyfriend. THey are both really nice, but his daughter is nervous like Pedro and they argue a lot. I just stay quiet.. Anyway, it was fun and i ate paella and stained my fingers and fingernails with yellow from the paella food coloring..
Then I came home and went out for ice cream with Lauren and Jennifer. Someone recommended this place on the Esplanada so we went to it...AMAZING! And cheap too! I had 2 scoops, one cookies, and the other one chocolate coconut.
This morning I went for a run, dont worry! Love you!